# 1.print on console (Note-: In python keep proper indentation avoid Unnecessary Tab ) print("Rajomay") # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 2.Taking input (Note-: In python input() is by default take string ) a = input("your entered any thing: ") print(a) # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 3.Data Type (Note-: python auto sence the data type) a = 12786876876786876786907888888 #int b = 1212.232 #float c = 't' #str (python take all char type as string) d = "Rajoshree Tanmay" #str e = 1j #complex 0j f = True #bool #_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 4.Type Casting a = int(input().splitlines()) b = float(input()) c = str(input()) d = input() e = complex(input()) print(f" {a} {type(a)} \n {b} {type(b)} \n {c} {type(c)} \n {d} {type(d)} \n{e} {type(e)} \n{f} {type(f)}") # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 5.Multiline input a, b = input().split() print(f" {a} {type(a)} \n {b} {type(b)} ") # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 6.if/else if(True): print("yes") elif(False): print("no") else: print("NA") # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 8.for loops for i in range(10,0,-1): #range(start, end-1, i++/i--) print (i) # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 9.while and do-while loop i = 0 while(i<10): print(i,end=" ") i=i+1 # ------------------------------------- while True: print(i, end=" ") i=i+1 if(i>10): break # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # 10.function def myData(): print("RajoMay Data Loading...") def myData1(a): return a*100 # if __name__ == "__main__" print(myData1(2)) # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________